Sure, Minitab Statistical Software is powerful and easy to use, but did you know that it’s also magic? One of the illusions that Minitab can perform is the world famous disappearing-reappearing-analysis-settings act. Of course, as with many illusions, it’s not so hard once you know the trick. In this case, it’s downright easy once you know about Minitab project files.
If you’ve done any work in Minitab you may very well have saved a project file and been grateful that your data, graphs, and statistical tables could all be saved together in a single file. But, it’s just as amazing that Minitab can remember exactly how you did your analysis the last time.
Imagine that you routinely run a capability analysis on the same process. The first time you did the analysis, you changed several of the options to get the output that you wanted. When you open Minitab the next time, you want to perform the same analysis on a new data set. Having a saved project makes it easy. Try it for yourself if you want, following the steps below. Begin by downloading our free trial if you don't already have our statistical software, then download worksheets Basil.MTW and Basil2.MTW.
The capability analysis is in your project file.
Minitab Statistical Software is closed. The settings for your analysis are nowhere to be found.
The settings from your previous analysis have reappeared! All you have to do to complete the capability analysis, with all of your customizations, is click OK.
Keeping all of the parts of your analysis in one place is a great feature of Minitab’s project files. For people who routinely repeat the same analysis, the fact that the project file also remembers the settings that you used for your analysis is a fantastic time saver.
Whether you repeat an analysis weekly, quarterly, or even annually, Minitab’s ready to pick up right where you left off. This might not be quite as astounding as David Copperfield making the Statue of Liberty disappear and reappear, but if you want to get your statistical results fast and easy, it’s the best kind of magic.
Ready for more? Projects files and many other fundamental features of Minitab, are explained in the online Getting Started Guide.