Minitab Blog | Cheryl Pammer

Tips and Techniques to Make Your Best Data-Driven Decisions

Cheryl Pammer

As a statistical consultant and researcher, Cheryl is immersed in the day-to-day problems faced by lean/six sigma practitioners. Drawing on more than 25 years of experience in teaching, statistical consulting, and software development, Cheryl aims to provide the sound statistical strategies and software tools that professionals need to solve the real-world problems they face on the job. She has worked on the project teams that developed many of Minitab's most popular features, including Assistant, Design of Experiments, Capability Analysis, Gage R&R, Reliability Analysis, and Predictive Modeling. In addition to Six Sigma Blackbelt training, Cheryl has a B.S.E. in Mathematics from Truman State University, M.S. in Statistics from the Pennsylvania State University and a graduate certificate in Data Mining and Applications from Stanford University.

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