Beyond the Expiration Date: Stats to Calculate Product Stability
Discover how expiration dates for pharmaceutical products, medical devices, food, and beverages are determined through stability studies.
Demonstrating 95/95 Confidence and Reliability
Learn how to demonstrate that you are 95% confident that 95% of your product is good.
Getting Real: A Simple Way to Assess Process Capability without Complex Assumptions
Nonparametric Capability provides a robust solution for evaluating the capability of a process where no distribution or transformation is appropriate.
My Quest to Get All the Disney 100 Happy Meal Figurines
Learn how a Minitab statistician statistician leveraged data analysis to calculate the probability that she will get all of the Disney figurines.
Trimming Decision Trees to Make Paper: Predictive Analytics and Root Cause Analysis in Minitab
As we collect more and more observational data from our processes, we may need new tools to provide meaningful insights into this information. You can add modern-day machine learning techniques alongside traditional statistical tools to analyze, improve and control your processes.
Using Intervals to Get at the Tail Ends of the Problem in Healthcare and Medical Devices
Demonstrating process improvement often involves showing improvement in the mean, so we focus on the center of a distribution. Defects don’t fall in the center, though. They're in the tails.
Planning a Trip to Disney World: Using Statistics to Keep It in the Green
Planning a Trip to Disney World: Using Statistics to Keep It in the Green