Beyond the Expiration Date: Stats to Calculate Product Stability
Discover how expiration dates for pharmaceutical products, medical devices, food, and beverages are determined through stability studies.
A Personal Case Study: Run with All Your Heart
A personal case study on leveraging Minitab to track running data, optimize heart health, and make data-driven training decisions.
Gardening Blog #1: Sprouting Spring
This blog tells a relatable story to reveal all the interesting ways Minitab can help you that you may not be aware of yet! Statistical Process Control
Top 3 Hidden Inefficiencies Costing Your Construction Project
Discover how Minitab’s data-driven solutions can help construction teams eliminate inefficiencies, reduce costs, and improve project performance.
4 Steps to Tackling Emergency Department (ED) Walkouts
Learn how hospitals can reduce ED walkouts using data-driven insights, Minitab Statistical Software, and Simul8's simulation technology to optimize patient flow and improve care outcomes.
Optimize Inventory Management with Predictive Analytics to Prevent Stockouts
Discover how Minitab's tools use predictive analytics to prevent stockouts, optimize inventory, and drive smarter supply chain decisions.
Top 3 Root Cause Analysis Tools to Boost Customer Satisfaction
Consider Root Cause Analysis (RCA), a methodology that helps you understand the reasons and drivers of our key metrics.
How to Reduce Defects and Improve Semiconductor Quality
Defects in manufacturing can lead to costly inefficiencies; using tools like Minitab helps identify root causes and improve product quality.
NCAA Football Odds: Could an Underdog Win?
“Chance”, “odds”, “probability.” Minitab, which was started in the math department of Penn State around 50 years ago thinks of these words very differently!
Thanksgiving 2024 Insights (Part 2): Analyzing Food Trends
Discover Thanksgiving trends with data-driven insights into dinner costs, regional pie preferences, and how this year compares to holidays past.