Gardening Blog #1: Sprouting Spring
This blog tells a relatable story to reveal all the interesting ways Minitab can help you that you may not be aware of yet! Statistical Process Control
NCAA Football Odds: Could an Underdog Win?
“Chance”, “odds”, “probability.” Minitab, which was started in the math department of Penn State around 50 years ago thinks of these words very differently!
Zoltar…or Minitab Model Ops? You Decide.
You had to shoot a quarter into Zoltar’s animatronic mouth to get him to speak. Predictive analytics is much easier to use.
Garden SPC - Monitoring (and Improving) to Ensure a Good Harvest!
Minitab’s Statistical Process Control (SPC) solutions helped Jim improve our garden this season, demonstrating that SPC can really help bad news could travel faster.
Save Time and Money with the Right CI Tool
Companies are losing too much money because they don’t have the right continuous improvement tools. Learn how to avoid this problem.
Predictive Analytics Comes of Age in Manufacturing
Predictive analytics doesn’t have to be the complex and specialized task it used to be. Minitab’s Auto Machine Learning (Auto ML) makes it more accessible.