Minitab Blog | Jon Finerty (2)

Tips and Techniques to Make Your Best Data-Driven Decisions

Jon Finerty

Jonathan graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Journalism and Advertising. Prior to joining the Marketing Team at Minitab, Jonathan worked as a Copywriter at several renowned advertising agencies in Chicago, creating content for clients like Harley-Davidson, Bank of America, Humana, and SC Johnson. Jonathan enjoys the challenge of distilling complex information into compelling stories, and leverages his passion for music, photography, and video editing to create a wide range of multi-channel content that resonates with audiences.

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Analyzing Anomalies: Using a 1-Proportion Test for Defect Evaluation

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Putting Your Suppliers to the (2-Proportion) Test to Analyze Late Deliveries

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Preparing for Peak Season Success in the Supply Chain with Minitab

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Visualizing Success: Leveraging Minitab's Graphical Capabilities for Inventory Optimization

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The Future is Now: Improving the Supply Chain with Predictive Analytics

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Improve Delivery Times for a More Streamlined Supply Chain

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Read the Room: The Increasing Importance of Data Literacy

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8 Ways Value Stream Maps Can Reduce Supply Chain Costs

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