Why You Need Your Control Charts to be In-Control
Control Charts
| 8 Minute Read
Control charts tell you whether a process is in-control. If a process is out-of-control, you need to fix the causes that affect the process intermittently.
Using Simple Linear Regression for Instrument Calibration? Learn why Orthogonal Regression is a Better Approach
Data Analysis
| 9 Minute Read
Using simple linear regression for instrument calibration? Read this article to learn why orthogonal regression is a better approach.
5 Analytical Skills to Improve Your Chemical Engineering Career
Data Analysis
| 3 Minute Read
Learning data analysis and data science skills will enable chemical engineers to provide unique and in-depth insights from your data to create value.
Measurement System Analysis And Destructive Testing
| 6 Minute Read
Measurement system analysis and destructive testing are vital components for many quality improvement initiatives. See how it works.