The Battle of the Baseball Parks with ANOVA vs. ANOM
Using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Analysis of Means (ANOM) we will learn which baseball parks are the best for hitters and for pitchers.
Predicting Mortgage Default with the Minitab Predictive Analytics Module
Learn how Minitab Predictive Analytics can help minimize the number of mortgage defaults by predicting what customers are likely to default in the future.
Why Chemical Engineers Should Get to Know ANOVA
Learn how chemical engineers can use Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to compare the means of measurements across groups.
Data Science for Everyone: Understanding the Importance of Predictive Analytics
With 30 years of experience working with the manufacturing industry around the world, the thoughts of Industry Expert Greg Kinsey on several data science topics are worth reading!
Build vs. Buy? Part 3: 3 Signs Your Build is Going Bad
Minitab's Bob Selfridge shares the top three scenarios where, in his experience, a self-made software build isn’t likely to work out.
9 Steps to Perfecting Your Golf Swing Using Minitab Workspace
A newcomer to golf creates mind maps using Minitab Workspace that explain all the things she needs to do to achieve a perfect golf shot.
Build vs. Buy? Part 2: 4 Benefits of Buying
Here are 4 reasons we think you’ll end up buying your next data preparation, integration, and management software solution.
Using Minitab Workspace in Marketing Part 2: Brainstorming for Great Ideas
This blog explains brainstorming tools inside Minitab Workspace. Create Mind Maps, Fishbone Diagrams, and Idea Maps to build out ideas.
Build vs. Buy? 5 Questions to Help You Decide
Build or Buy? Finding the optimal solution often means determining whether to buy a software solution or rely on an internal team to build one from scratch
Using Minitab Workspace in Marketing Part 1: Save Time on Strategy Development
Minitab’s CMO highlights a few of the Minitab Workspace visualization, process, brainstorming, and forms tools that can be incredibly useful for marketers.