Minitab博客 | data analysis


分析异常:使用缺陷评估的单比例检验 Analyzing Anomalies: Using a 1-Proportion Test for Defect Evaluation Chinese

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通过 Minitab 为供应链旺季的成功做好准备  Preparing for Peak Season Success in the Supply Chain with Minitab

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对供应商执行(双样本比例)检验,分析延迟交付率 Putting Your Suppliers to the (2-Proportion) Test to Analyze Late Deliveries

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未来就在眼前:利用预测分析改进供应链 The Future is Now: Improving the Supply Chain with Predictive Analytics

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察言观色:数据素养变得日益重要 | Read the Room: The Increasing Importance of Data Literacy (Chinese)

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您曾认为只有编程人员才能处理的六项数据准备任务 | Six Data Preparation Tasks You Thought Only Programmers Could Handle

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超越一般的商业智能控制台 | Beyond Ordinary Business Intelligence Dashboards

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使用简单线性回归进行仪器校准? 了解为什么正交回归方法更好 | Using Simple Linear Regression for Instrument Calibration?  Learn why Orthogonal Regression is a Better Approach

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慢慢爱上最新版 Minitab 中的相关图 | Learning to Love Correlograms in the Latest Minitab Release

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