在蛇年提高效率:Minitab 如何帮助企业为高峰期做好准备 | Boosting Efficiency in the Year of the Snake: Optimize Peak Production with Minitab
借助 Minitab 应对供应链中断 | Navigating Supply Chain Disruptions with Minitab
分析异常:使用缺陷评估的单比例检验 Analyzing Anomalies: Using a 1-Proportion Test for Defect Evaluation Chinese
Discover how performing a 1-Proportion Test using Minitab Statistical Software can help supply chain managers analyze defective parts from suppliers.
缩短交货时间以简化供应链 | Improve Delivery Times for a More Streamlined Supply Chain
Learn how Minitab's powerful problem-solving tools and predictive analytics solutions can help improve supply chain delivery times. 随着消费者越来越习惯在次日甚至当天收货,供应链越来越关注其流程的交付部分,也即需要保持成功交付的供应链。 我们可以将成功的交付定义为在合适的时间按正确的数量为客户提供所需的东西,并始终如一地做到这一点。所有制造或分销业务都将交付当作最基本的要求。Minitab 可以利用强大的数据分析功能来帮助公司优化交付、简化供应链并提高客户满意度。
通过实现可视化取得成功:利用 Minitab 的图形功能来优化库存 Visualizing Success: Leveraging Minitab's Graphical Capabilities for Inventory Optimization
Discover how Minitab's graphical tools can provide valuable insights into inventory patterns, leading to more efficient and effective supply chain.
通过 Minitab 为供应链旺季的成功做好准备 Preparing for Peak Season Success in the Supply Chain with Minitab
The time is now to prepare for peak season! Learn how Minitab's powerful data analysis tools can help ensure peak season success in the supply chain.
对供应商执行(双样本比例)检验,分析延迟交付率 Putting Your Suppliers to the (2-Proportion) Test to Analyze Late Deliveries
Learn how to use a 2-Proportion Test in Minitab Statistical Software to analyze delivery times between two different suppliers.