Guest Post: How quickly and effectively can you drive to a solution?
Deductive logic has been used for millennia to describe the natural world. With the explosion of data availability and machine learning, some suggest inductive reasoning will make deduction obsolete – the end of science. An approach that supports learning and drives toward a solution involves both.
Guest Post: Predictive Analytics Accelerates Problem Solving
Adam Russell, Global Operations Master Black Belt explains how Tate & Lyle deploys Continuous Improvement (CI) tools, including Minitab and Salford Predictive Modeler (SPM), to challenging engineering and manufacturing problems.
3 Big Lessons from Continuous Improvement Leaders at PEX Europe Spring, London
At Process Excellence (PEX) Europe Spring 2018 there was a lot to learn as Continuous Improvement practitioners and leaders met to 'share and challenge everything you need to be a business of the future.' Here Minitab shares three key CI lessons that will help you to replicate success.