3 种用于改进过程的基本精益工具 3 | Essential Lean Tools to Improve Your Process
Lean tools can help you eliminate waste and prevent mistakes. Learn how A3, Work Element Time Study & Gemba Walk can improve your organization's process.
持续改进与质量:有何区别?| Continuous Improvement vs. Quality: What’s the Difference?
Continuous improvement and quality are quite different, and you cannot have one without the other. 要确保研究质量和改进研究过程,质量工具和持续改进工具都不可或缺。质量工具有助于确保研究结果的准确性和有效性,而持续改进工具则有助于优化研究过程,从而以更少的时间和精力获得更好的结果。因此,研究人员应当使用这两种工具来获得高质量的研究成果。 正如您所看到的那样,持续改进和质量大不一样,但不能只取其一。如果您想了解 Minitab 如何帮助您实施持续改进或质量计划,请与我们联系!
通过机器学习和 R 集成减少过程缺陷的 4 个步骤 4 Steps to Reduce Process Defects with Machine Learning and R Integration
We explore how to build a Neural Network in Minitab using R to compliment and compare with results from our own Predictive Analytics module.
未来就在眼前:利用预测分析改进供应链 The Future is Now: Improving the Supply Chain with Predictive Analytics
See how predictive analytics can be used in the supply chain to optimize inventory, route planning, risk management, customer satisfaction and more. 供应链预测分析是利用数据挖掘、机器学习和统计分析来识别供应链数据的模式和趋势,并对未来的业绩和结果进行预测。 供应链预测分析的目标是通过更准确地了解未来的需求、供应和其他可能影响供应链的关键因素来改进决策和战略规划。这使企业能够积极管理和优化其供应链运营、降低成本、提高效率,进而提高客户满意度
价值流图用于降低供应链成本的 8 种方式 8 Ways Value Stream Maps Can Reduce Supply Chain Costs
Learn 8 ways value stream maps can reduce supply chain costs. Discover how Minitab Workspace and Minitab Engage make it easy to create value stream maps. 价值流图是一种功能强大的工具,可用来优化供应链中的材料和信息流。组织可以对从原材料到成品的整个过程进行分析和可视化,从而确定瓶颈、低效和需要改进的领域。 一旦确定了这些问题,组织就可以实施变更,改进其供应链中的材料和信息流 – 这最终会降低成本并提高其利润收益。
持续改进和 OPEX 在经济衰退期间的价值 The Value of Continuous Improvement & OPEX During Recession
In this blog post, we cover the philosophical, economical, and data-driven arguments for investing in continuous improvement and OPEX during a recession. 在这篇博客文章中,我将重点从哲学、经济和数据驱动等论点来阐释经济衰退期间有必要在持续改进和 OPEX 方面进行投资。
绘制实现卓越的过程图 | Process Mapping Your Way To an A+
See how Madison Bair, a Minitab intern, used Minitab Workspace to help her earn a 105% on her latest statistics exam. 绘制实现卓越的过程图 | Process Mapping Your Way To an A+
持续改进的基础和原则 The Basics and Principles of Continuous Improvement
在这篇博客文章中,我们将重点介绍持续改进的基础、阶段和原则,以帮助您确保在整个组织中成功实施持续改进。如果您是持续改进的新手,Minitab Engage 将为您提供入门工具。
FMEA:帮您省去不少麻烦的好方法 | FMEA: A Good Way to Save Yourself Some Grief
The FMEA is a great tool to use early on in a quality improvement project, because it collects and organize data about a process that can help you identify and scope a process improvement project. It's also good for identifying and screening potential vital X's as you complete a project. And at the end of a project, you can use the FMEA to document status, reference reaction plans, and note any further improvements the process may require over time.
从能力分析着手 | Starting Out with Capability Analysis
Starting Out with Capability Analysis 这是您在绝地神殿担任光剑制造师第一天。您的第一个任务是对生产的光剑长度进行能力分析。您主要的关注点是检查光剑是否符合绝地委员会规定的长度规格。您不太确定从哪里开始。谢天谢地,Minitab Statistical Software 即使在遥远的星系中也能为您提供帮助。