Human Capital Analytics: How Are You Addressing Your Recruitment Challenges?
Predictive modeling techniques can pinpoint important factors for your employees and even help you predict turnover.
CART: Classification and Regression Trees for Sales Recruitment
Learn how to build a data-driven recruiting profile using CART in Minitab Statistical Software. Our solution helps you screen candidates efficiently.
Minitab for HR: Analyzing Recruiting Data to Hire the Best Candidates Quickly
By analyzing data using Minitab Statistical Software, HR professionals can make their recruitment activities more targeted, efficient and yield better results.
5 Proven Improvement Initiatives for Banking and Financial Services
If you’re looking for ideas for areas to target, tackle and transform your banking or financial institution, here are five great places to start!
One Basic Statistical Method Every Marketer Should Know for Simple A/B Testing
Most marketers use A/B testing. Learn how to calculate whether A/B testing results are statistically significant with a Two-Sample Proportions Test in Minitab.
3 Steps to Prevent Backorders and Optimize Your Inventory Levels
Learn the three steps to prevent backorder and optimize your inventory levels using Minitab solutions like Workspace, Connect and predictive analytics.
How to Make Your PPAP Process Painless, Polished, and Pleasing to Your Customers
Make your PPAP another reason why doing business with you is easier and you’ll reap the rewards.
5 Analytical Skills to Improve Your Chemical Engineering Career
Learning data analysis and data science skills will enable chemical engineers to provide unique and in-depth insights from your data to create value.
Why Chemical Engineers Should Get to Know ANOVA
Learn how chemical engineers can use Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to compare the means of measurements across groups.
Using Minitab Workspace in Marketing Part 2: Brainstorming for Great Ideas
This blog explains brainstorming tools inside Minitab Workspace. Create Mind Maps, Fishbone Diagrams, and Idea Maps to build out ideas.