An Innovation Management Case Study from the Minitab Organization
When the Minitab sought innovative ways to leverage Minitab Engage tools, it turned to employees for ideas that ultimately led to a new product offering.
How to Use Value Stream Maps in Healthcare
Value stream mapping (VSM) can help the healthcare industry map, visualize and understand material and information flow and improve their processes.
Harvey Balls: Some of the Best-Presenting Visual Comparisons You Might Not Have Even Heard Of
Harvey balls visualize qualitative information like product features. Learn about the Harvey balls matrix in Minitab Workspace and Companion by Minitab.
Combating COVID-19: How Adventist HealthCare is Using Process Maps to Fight Back and Keep Staff Safe
Tap into Minitab Engage to combat COVID-19. See how Adventist HealthCare used a Minitab Engage project and process maps to fight back and keep staff safe.
Remote Teams Can Benefit from Customized Engage Notifications
Let the system work for you. Use workflow and notifications to spend more time moving projects forward and less time manually checking on statuses.
The 4 Simple Steps for Creating a Monte Carlo Simulation with Engage or Workspace
Learn the 4 simple steps to creating a Monte Carlo Simulation with Minitab Engage or Workspace.
How Can You Tell if Your Lean Six Sigma Project is Set Up for Success?
Learn from a survey of companies across the US what they believed granted the success of their Lean Six Sigma, OPEX, and continuous improvement programs.
Why You’re Not Getting Real-Time Visibility Into Continuous Improvement (and What You Can Do About It)
Only 30% of performance improvement initiatives succeed. Explore our top 3 suggestions to manage projects efficiently, consistently and successfully.
5 Challenges that Keep Even the Best Project Deployments in the Shadows
Learn 5 reasons why assessing the cumulative impact in continuous improvement programs is difficult, even when organizations have robust initiatives.
What Would You Do with an Extra 120 Hours to Drive Improvement?
Explore 3 key insights by a VP of quality for a $1.5 billion-dollar corporation about managing continuous improvement projects with Companion by Minitab.