通过 Minitab 为供应链旺季的成功做好准备 Preparing for Peak Season Success in the Supply Chain with Minitab
The time is now to prepare for peak season! Learn how Minitab's powerful data analysis tools can help ensure peak season success in the supply chain.
对供应商执行(双样本比例)检验,分析延迟交付率 Putting Your Suppliers to the (2-Proportion) Test to Analyze Late Deliveries
Learn how to use a 2-Proportion Test in Minitab Statistical Software to analyze delivery times between two different suppliers.
未来就在眼前:利用预测分析改进供应链 The Future is Now: Improving the Supply Chain with Predictive Analytics
See how predictive analytics can be used in the supply chain to optimize inventory, route planning, risk management, customer satisfaction and more. 供应链预测分析是利用数据挖掘、机器学习和统计分析来识别供应链数据的模式和趋势,并对未来的业绩和结果进行预测。 供应链预测分析的目标是通过更准确地了解未来的需求、供应和其他可能影响供应链的关键因素来改进决策和战略规划。这使企业能够积极管理和优化其供应链运营、降低成本、提高效率,进而提高客户满意度
价值流图用于降低供应链成本的 8 种方式 8 Ways Value Stream Maps Can Reduce Supply Chain Costs
Learn 8 ways value stream maps can reduce supply chain costs. Discover how Minitab Workspace and Minitab Engage make it easy to create value stream maps. 价值流图是一种功能强大的工具,可用来优化供应链中的材料和信息流。组织可以对从原材料到成品的整个过程进行分析和可视化,从而确定瓶颈、低效和需要改进的领域。 一旦确定了这些问题,组织就可以实施变更,改进其供应链中的材料和信息流 – 这最终会降低成本并提高其利润收益。
察言观色:数据素养变得日益重要 | Read the Room: The Increasing Importance of Data Literacy (Chinese)
With the increasing amount of data being generated and collected, understanding what data is and how to use it has never been more important. 我们正处在数据的黄金时代。数据出现在新闻中,出现在企业的决策中,甚至出现在我们的日常生活方式中。随着生成和收集的数据量不断增加,了解数据的含义及其使用方式变得越来越重要。数据素养应运而生。